James Nichols

Just a place to keep my things


You'd be hard pressed to find me without a computer/laptop/smart phone/tablet within a few feet of me at all times. I'm a Software Developer by day and a Hobbyist Programmer by night. On days not spent with a keyboard, I can often be found with a game controller or camera in my hands.


BBQ Enthusiast

Just saying the word barbecue often fills the mind with memories of the aroma of smoke and waters the mouth at the thought of grilled meat. Every few days, I live the #BBQLife!

BBQ Enthusiast

Avid Runner

Food and technology are fun but sedentary which is why I run. Nothing relaxes me more and helps to keep the pounds off more than running. From a short 5K to a lengthy Half-Marathon, it's all just a quick run to me.

Avid Runner
